sabato 23 novembre 2013

Documented Electromagnetic and Aerosol Climate Manipulation at Marion Island

Met Station Marion Island Tesla
S.A. Space Agency – Electromagnetic Testing at Marion Island
Chris Burger with Amateur radio Call ZS6EZ provides update on Marion Island from his webpage in Pretoria South Africa: (-)
The Prince Edward islands are South African territory, but are considered a separate DXCC entity because of their distance from the mainland. The group consists of two islands, Prince Edward and Marion. As Prince Edward is uninhabited, Marion is the DXer’s only hope of a contact with this country.
Marion Island is home to a weather and research station. It is manned year-round, with crews staying for a year. The annual supply ship comes around April and stays for a few weeks to take care of resupply and base refurbishment. The trusty supply ship, SAS Agulhas, was retired in 2012, and replaced by the more modern and larger SAS Agulhas II. The new ship is a custom-built antarctic research platform, while the older ship was a generic light ice-breaker modified for antarctic research work.
• The island is administered by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, the agency responsible for weather services in South Africa.
Electromagnetic Testing at Marion Island
• South African National Space Agency: “The research areas covered by this programme are diverse and include studies on the variation of the Earth’s geomagnetic field and its application to navigation; the propagation of waves in the various regions of the space environment and their effects; diagnostic information on the propagation media; ionospheric characterisation; basic and applied space weather; space plasmas; and radio wave propagation. Complete Document
• March 25 2013 – The SA Agulhas II had to conduct an emergency medical evacuation after a woman at the country’s Marion Island research station became ill (Could she have received toxic exposure to electromagnetic (RF) radiation? ) ..More
• 2008: Inside the development of South Africa’s new high-tech Marion Island science hub …More
Marion Island Amateur Radio ZS8M
1987 Bethlem research

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