mercoledì 1 maggio 2013

Boston Hoax Proven: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed

Boston Hoax Proven: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed

Boston Hoax: Fake Blood AND Silicon Confirmed
A poster sent the marked images demonstrating, once again, that the entire Boston Marathon bombing , particularly the smoke bomb-like explosion in front of the Marathon sports center, was nothing other than a theatrical production, smoke and mirrors, where no one died or was seriously injured. This means that all those who claim to be dire victims, particularly the amputees and deceased people at this acclaimed site of the bombing, including Jeff Bauman and Krystle Campbell,  are arch-fraudsters to the most extreme degree. See the video of what the fake wounds look like per one of our posters:
Somehow somewhere in this fake massacre plot fake/artificial blood was used. An effort is being made to accumulate evidence, that is hard evidence of such fakery.
Note: as these pictures are general domain, we at cannot confirm as of yet that any of the marked items are empty or full fake blood containers. There is no way to zero in sufficiently to say one way or the other. Regardless, the behavior and actions are suspect.
One truly invaluable find is this view of the right leg of Krystle Campbell, which shows at least one of the legs to be fully intact. In other words, the claim that (correction) both her legs were blown off and she died immediately is a gross fabrication.
However, clearly, one leg is missing from the frame. In a real amputation, there would be a great pool of blood and without shutting of the flow the person would die in minutes. Let’s look at that close-up:
Where is that massive pool of dark red blood? And why is the limb not cyanotic? Now, the apparent thigh wound enlarged:
That’s a mighty big wound to be on its own without pressure or care and not bleed, even spurt blood. Note the line of jeans about the tear: not a drop of blood evident. Regardless, all this proves that Campbell’s right leg was intact all along, which means the photos showing an apparent amputation are gross fabrications.
So, how was this achieved? Is this mere man-made; in other words, is the red simply color or pigment which the prop-miesters put into these wounds under cover and disguise?
Quick note from one of our posters, who is experienced in fatal and near fatal trauma:

How to Create a Quick Wound Prosthetic using Dragon Skin FX-Pro

The video explains precisely what is being seen, that is what appear to be large, gaping wounds with no blood dripping, oozing, or spurting: only red color inside the wound border. That’s because the gaping wounds aren’t real and are, instead, applied silicon fabrications. The red color is only the result of painting the inside of the would with red blood-like pigment mixed in a tightening base. The video proves how it is done.
Another view, an important finding confirmed: silicon WAS likely used to create these wounds. A blob of such silicon has poured over the jeans. Some might say it is fat tissue from the thigh, which is a reasonable claim. The problem is if this was a real wound there wuold be much blood staining on the pants and, more importantly, there would be active bleeding, as there is no attempt to stem the flow of blood.
A close up of that ‘gash’ from the original photo:
Look at the ‘gash’ in Campbell’s leg. That’s man-made. Yet, such fakery is equally evident is the findings on the leg of her friend:
Did the Cookie Monster take a bite out of it? Let’s see this, zoomed in:
What’s going on with this leg? The wound is obviously fake. A gash wound of that scope would bleed profusely. No one is attending it; no pressure being applied, no tissue, rags, towels, or tourniquets. Therefore, there would be blood everywhere.
Now, the fake blood container, from the image turned upright (foot-up):
More images, for purposes of inspection. It doesn’t appear to be a water bottle-like label. Research should be done to see if this can be identified. If it was a bottle of fake blood, there should be a residue internally.
Note: these pictures are for analysis only: the content of her black bag is not confirmed.
Plenty of good color in Krystle Campbell’s arms and legs, indicating she hasn’t bled out yet.
A vast array of prop-meiters furiously engaged: time is limited, the scam must be finalized quickly.
Moreover, while the prop-meisters and well-paid fraudulent actors stay fully in placed despite the smoke and presumed danger, the rest of the world runs away in fear. That’s what these Zionist moles do best: create panic and pandemonium, fear and angst: all for their own wicked, vile gains.
Watch the lady in pink closely: she is the chief on-site culprit of the fake Zionist plot. Is Eretz Israel that dominating of a scheme that Jewry would go to this length?
Rivers of fake blood flowing at their feet.
What fake victim is the Jewess in pink applying the blood to, now?
Now, the infamous fake wheelchair lady:

Another Zionist operative on the far right can be seen elsewhere looking shocked at the scenery for psychological effect against the people.
…with her cohort in the red jacket; plenty of fake blood on the ground but none yet oozing from their bodies. Where did the blood come from, the lady with the water bottle, or has the lady in pink already come and gone? The red fluid is draining or running right underneath them, but none of them have any wounds. To reiterate, blood but not actively bleeding or obviously seeping wounds.
One of the more infamous “final” pictures for public consumption:
For effect: fake blood plus silicon, painted and applied by Hollywood masters. The wheelchair lady is most classic; it can be directly seen where the red was painted on, smeared, and slopped. The long, dark areas were painted on aggressively to give the impression of a long laceration. Plus, those nodules: that’s only example of applied silicon fake wounds.
Picture sources:

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