D'un tratto nel folto bosco

Non c’era nessuno in tutto il paese che potesse insegnare ai bambini che la realtà non è soltanto quello che l’occhio vede e l’orecchio ode e la mano può toccare, bensì anche quel che sta nascosto alla vista e al tatto, e si svela ogni tanto, solo per un momento, a chi lo cerca con gli occhi della mente e a chi sa ascoltare e udire con le orecchie dell’animo e toccare con le dita del pensiero.
Amos Oz

martedì 12 marzo 2013

Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM aka chemtrails) Point-to-Point Communications

Kossey et al. also describe how AIMs could be used to improve the capability of OTH radar: AIM based radar could be operated at a frequency chosen to optimize target detection, rather than be limited by prevailing ionospheric conditions. This, combined with the possibility of controlling the radar’s wave polarization to mitigate clutter effects, could result in reliable detection of cruise missiles and other low observable targets.32 A schematic depicting this concept is shown in figure 4-3. Potential advantages over conventional OTH radars include frequency control, mitigation of auroral effects, short range operation, and detection of a smaller cross-section target.

A Core Competency Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025.

Even today’s most technologically advanced militaries would usually prefer to fight in clear weather and blue skies. But as war-fighting technologies proliferate, the side with the technological advantage will prefer to fight in weather that gives them an edge. The US Army has already alluded to this approach in their concept of “owning the weather.”1 Accordingly, storm modification will become more valuable over time.

The importance of precipitation modification is also likely to increase as usable water sources become more scarce in volatile parts of the world. As more countries pursue, develop, and exploit increasing types and degrees of weather-modification technologies, we must be able to detect their efforts and counter their activities when necessary. As depicted, the technologies and capabilities associated with such a counter weather role will become increasingly important.

Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM aka chemtrails) Point-to-Point Communications

Kossey et al. also describe how AIMs could be used to improve the capability of OTH radar: AIM based radar could be operated at a frequency chosen to optimize target detection, rather than be limited by prevailing ionospheric conditions. This, combined with the possibility of controlling the radar’s wave polarization to mitigate clutter effects, could result in reliable detection of cruise missiles and other low observable targets.32 A schematic depicting this concept is shown in figure 4-3. Potential advantages over conventional OTH radars include frequency control, mitigation of auroral effects, short range operation, and detection of a smaller cross-section target.

A Core Competency Road Map to Weather Modification in 2025.

Even today’s most technologically advanced militaries would usually prefer to fight in clear weather and blue skies. But as war-fighting technologies proliferate, the side with the technological advantage will prefer to fight in weather that gives them an edge. The US Army has already alluded to this approach in their concept of “owning the weather.”1 Accordingly, storm modification will become more valuable over time.

The importance of precipitation modification is also likely to increase as usable water sources become more scarce in volatile parts of the world. As more countries pursue, develop, and exploit increasing types and degrees of weather-modification technologies, we must be able to detect their efforts and counter their activities when necessary. As depicted, the technologies and capabilities associated with such a counter weather role will become increasingly important.


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