D'un tratto nel folto bosco

Non c’era nessuno in tutto il paese che potesse insegnare ai bambini che la realtà non è soltanto quello che l’occhio vede e l’orecchio ode e la mano può toccare, bensì anche quel che sta nascosto alla vista e al tatto, e si svela ogni tanto, solo per un momento, a chi lo cerca con gli occhi della mente e a chi sa ascoltare e udire con le orecchie dell’animo e toccare con le dita del pensiero.
Amos Oz

lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Fukushima Disaster: 70% of Japan is Contaminated, Health Catastrophe

Professor: ``It`s true that about 70 percent of Japan`s territory is polluted`` by Fukushima radioactive material; Tokyo contaminated with highly toxic radiation -- ``Experts worry about catastrophic impacts on health``

Korea Times, Dec. 2, 2013: More than two and a half years have passed since the “meltdown” at Fukushima nuclear power plant but the exact extent of the damage remains uncertain. Worse, it has been left unrepaired. Thus, experts and citizens worry about the catastrophic impacts on health and safety. [...] Kim Ik-joong, a biology professor from Dongguk University, said that radiation at Fukushima nuclear power plant was at least seven times as much as that at Chernobyl [...]
More from microbiology Professor Kim Ik-joong: As the tainted water is spread over the ocean, we cannot rule out radioactive materials in fish from outside the eight prefectures, especially those from Hokkaido and Tokyo [...] It is true that about 70 percent of Japan’s territory is polluted [...] According to PNAS, a scientific journal published by Japanese scholars, about 20 percent of Japanese land, including Tokyo, is contaminated with highly toxic radiation. It is obvious that agricultural products are also contaminated as the land is polluted with radioactive materials. The contamination on land will last approximately 300 years.

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